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Lunch & Snack 


  • If you would like to have your child purchase their snacks or lunch, you can start a Tab Sheet with your credit card.

  • Tab Sheets MUST be filled out with credit card information

  • Tab Sheets are good for the duration of 1 week.

    • Credit cards are ran every Friday for all items your camper purchased throughout the week.​ 

    • A new Tab must be started weekly.

  • You may add restrictions to your campers tab that XL Staff will adhere to.

    • Restrictions include but are not limited to: dollar spending amount, restricted items such as soda or ice cream, can only buy lunch, etc. 

    • XL Sports World Staff is not responsible for food or beverage items given to your child that were not indicated on the restricted list.

  • You can also list allergies on your tab sheet. We will monitor food given to your child if allergens are listed.



  • ​You may leave cash for XL Staff to manage for your camper or give it to your camper to use.
    • You may also set any food/drink/spending restrictions for cash when given to XL Staff to manage.

  • If cash is being given directly to your camper, please ensure they have a safe place to keep it and know it should always be put back in that safe place when not in use. XL is not responsible for any lost or stolen items including money, wallets, credit cards, etc. 



  • XL will provide the morning snack for all campers.

  • The snacks each day will vary.

    • The rotation of snacks include: Gold Fish, Pretzels, Graham Crackers, Animal Crackers.

  • If your child may not like any of these options, please pack an additional snack. 



  • Parents must provide an afternoon snack for their camper or a way for them to purchase one.

  • Please remind your camper about afternoon snack. 

    • Many times, campers will eat all their food in the morning or at lunch. We do our best to remind them throughout the breaks to save something for the afternoon.

    • With that said, please make sure your child knows to save their afternoon snack for the designated time.

    • Ensure they know what they've packed or where their snack is packed.

  • Campers may also purchase a snack from the sideline if they have a tab or cash. 



  • Campers can pack or purchase lunch.

  • Packed lunch:

    • Please pack items that will keep throughout the day in a lunch box​

  • Buying lunch

    • Lunches can be added to tabs or purchased with cash. ​

      • If your camper is using cash, please have them purchase their lunch in the morning at drop off. ​

  • We will ask your camper what they would like for lunch during the morning snack time. 

    • Please ensure your camper knows they are buying lunch so they can be sure to order. ​

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