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XL SPORTS WORLD RICHMOND is excited to offer weekly field trips this summer! Scroll down for specific field trip information & itineraries. 

Field Trips are an additional activity and require an additional fee. The fee includes admission, busing, and extra staffing needed to ensure all campers’ safety. All field trip registration fees are non-refundable. Please scroll down for more field trip policies.

Field trip locations, dates, times, pricing, and itineraries will be posted at a later date. If you register for camp before field trip announcements, we will send you an email with registration links. If you sign up for camp after field trips are announced you will receive a welcome email with links to field trip registrations.


*Campers must be registered for camp & field trip to attend. Please email with any registration questions. 

Field Trip Policies

Field Trip Policies

  • We cannot, under any circumstances, add campers to the trips on the day of the trip.

  • Each field trip itinerary lists what time campers attending the field trip need to arrive at camp by. Campers who arrive after the designated time and especially after role call cannot attend the trip that day and will not be refunded or receive credit.

  • Registration deadlines for field trips is always the week prior to the planned trip. At this time, we order the buses based on the number enrolled. We will continue to take enrollments until the buses are full. DaySmart recreation will indicate if a trip is full or the deadline has passed.

  • Field Trips must be paid in full at the time of registration.

  • There are no refunds, credits, cancellations, or substitutions if you miss your Field Trip for any reason.

  • Parents are not permitted to attend Field Trips with our camp. Our policy is for the safety of your child, as well as the other campers.


What should campers bring on a Field Trip?

  • Water bottle

  • Campers must wear their camp T-shirt on all Field Trips.

    • Field trip shirts will be handed out on the first trip your child attends. We will have the children change in the restroom at XL prior to leaving for the trip. ​

    • First shirt included in registration. Any additional shirts are $15. 

  • Camper's bags or other belongings should have their name on it to keep track of their belongings.

    • Not all trips will allow campers to bring their bag. If bags or personal items are taken on the field trip, the camper is solely responsible for these items.​

  • Trip itineraries will indicate whether or not the trip includes lunch or if campers need to pack their lunch.

  • The availability of snacks and/or souvenir purchases will be listed on the Field Trip Itineraries.

  • Glass Bottles are not permitted on any Field Trips.

  • Field Trips may alter the regular lunch and/or snack schedule. Trip itineraries will list duration of field trip and if any XL snack times may be missed, therefore indicating you should pack extra snacks for your camper.



If you do not want your child to attend a Field Trip they are scheduled to attend, you must fill out the Field Trip Cancellation form located on our website and at the camp front desk. You can cancel until 9:00 am on the day of the trip.  After 9:00 am our trip list is set, and we are unable to make any changes.  If we do not have a signed form from the camper’s parents/guardian by 9:00 am, they will have to attend the trip. You will not be credited or refunded if you remove your child from a Field Trip for any reason.

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